Fourth Week of Big Game Project

The fourth week of big game project has ended and we have gotten a lot of things done.

I personally have been taken a deeper look into the unity particle system and also made some assets for the level designers to use.

I will be talking about the Ramp Building Kit in this post.

Since we need smooth surfaces for the player to ride upon the logical solution was to let the level designers make the ramps and pipes the way they wanted it to feel and play like, after that they would send them to me and i would optimize them and texture. But we realized that doing this on every different kind of ramp and pipe in the game would take too long so instead i made this Ramp Building Kit for the level designers to use for ramps and decoration.


Doing it this way the level designers could replace their white box ramps with a custom built ramp in the exact angle they want it to be and it saves me a lot of time to not make every ramp in the game. 

Here are some examples i have made just to demonstrate how the ramps could look.


I will still have to do some custom ramps for the level designers but this building kit will replace at least 90% of the ramps in the game as of yet.